Biała Nida Kayak Trail

distance (km) altitude m a.s.l.
kayaking, bez koloru
103 km
↗ 133 m
↘ 174 m
A Żerniki
B Nowy Korczyn

The Nida is a left tributary of the Vistula, 154.3 km long. It flows through the Przedborska Upland, the Kielce Upland and the Nidziańska Basin to the Sandomierska Valley. The initial section of the river, up to the junction with Czarna Nida between Żerniki and Brzegi, is called Biała Nida. The Biała Nida meanders and receives its largest tributary, the Łososina, which widens its bed to join the Czarna Nida above Brzegi. The Czarna Nida, which is a 68.7 km long left tributary of the Nida, flows through the Świętokrzyskie Mountains and the Szydłowski Foothills.

It is considered the most beautiful river in Poland, at times it is wild and dark, at times it is friendly and warm. Her numerous tricks bring a lot of uncertainty and surprises. The number of obstacles means that sailing on it requires considerable skill.

On Czarna Nida, capsizes and kayak getting stuck may occur, but there are no places that would threaten the kayaker's life, e.g. roadsides, dams, weirs, etc. The only place on Czarna Nida that forces kayakers to get out of their kayaks and move them about 150-200 m , this is the dam in Wolica.

The popularity of recreational and tourist kayaking is growing every year and therefore the number of companies organizing kayaking trips and renting kayaks is increasing. The owners help in choosing the route, have cars with trailers, and provide full logistics. One-day and weekend kayaking trips are the most popular. The companies' offer is addressed to those who want to spend only one afternoon or a weekend in a kayak combined with pitching a tent, having a bonfire and relaxing in the bosom of nature. However, if someone is tempted to spend longer time on the water, a week-long kayaking trip on the Nida River from Mniszek to Krzyżanowice Dolne is also possible.

Ponidzie is an area almost entirely located in the Nidzia Basin. This is a land famous for the largest gypsum deposits in Europe, reserves with unique steppe vegetation, colorful forests, roadside figures, monuments and sources of sulphate-salt mineral waters. Its area includes, among others: cities: Jędrzejów, Pińczów, Busko-Zdrój, Solec-Zdrój, Wiślica and Nowy Korczyn, full of many attractions. A characteristic element of the Ponidzie landscape is the Nida River valley - with numerous meanders and oxbow lakes, constituting an important ecological corridor and a refuge for water and marsh birds. Ponidzie is also a perfect place for active recreation for lovers of hiking, cycling and, above all, kayaking.

A list of entities organizing kayaking trips on the Nida River, including equipment rental, is available in the Tourist Guide of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship (pages 108-110).

On the trail

Żerniki - village

Church of St. Nicholas in Brzegi

Knight’s Castle in Sobków


Ruins of the castle in Mokrsko Górne

Agropark Dworek pod Lipą in Stare Kotlice

Church of St. Florian in Korytnica

Kliszów - Battle of Kliszów


The "Sielsko na Wygodzie” Recreation Complex in Imielno


Nature Education Center "Nidarium" in Umianowice

Skowronno Reserve

The figure of St. Agatha in Skowronno Dolne

Monument to the location of Krakow and sculpture of St. Kinga in Kopernia

Kon-Tiki Water Club in Pińczów


Monument to St. Florian (near the State Fire Service, ul. Przemysłowa in Pińczów)

Narrow-gauge railway station in Pińczów

The former Monastery of the Order of St. Paul the First Hermit in Pińczów


The Wielopolski Family Palace in Pińczów


A plane at the reservoir in Pińczów

Aero Club in Pińczów

Pińczów – Sarmatian Athens


Pińczów – Nida Reservoir


Tourist Information Center in Pińczów


Regional Museum in Pińczów


Renaissance Synagogue in Pińczów


Chapel of St. Anne in Pińczów


Bus Station in Pińczów


Sanctuary and Monastery of the reformers in Pińczów


Arians residence – Polish Brethren in Pińczów


Franciscan Monastery in Pińczów

World War I Cemetery in Pińczów


Grabowiec nature reserve

Garden "Na Rostajach" in Młodzawy Małe


Church of Holy Spirit and Our Lady of Sorrows in Młodzawy Małe


The Garden on the Crossroads in Młodzawy Małe


Mozgawa Gorge

Resort Zacisze nad Nidą in Krzyżanowice Dolne

Church of St. Saint Tekla in Krzyżanowice

LochNess Campsite in Gacki

Nature reserve "Krzyżanowice"

Reservoir in Gacki


Camp & Rest Gacki

Monument commemorating the heroes of 1939-45 for social and national liberation

Palace park in Chroberz

The kayaking port in Chroberz on the Nida River

The palace and park complex in Chroberz


The Chapel of Christ the Sorrowful in Chroberz

The statue of Our Lady in Chroberz (crossroads of Ogrodowa/Chrobrego Streets)

Figure of St. Florian from 1764 in Chroberz

Church of Assumption of the Mother of God and Jan Kanty in Chroberz


Figure of Mary 1918 in Stara Rudawa

Ponidzie Nature Reserve

Nadnidziański Landscape Park

Church of St. Lawrence in Gorysławice


Regional Museum – Długosz House in Wiślica


Collegiate of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Wiślica


Salt Square in Wiślica

Hospital Church of St. Spirit

Archaeological Museum in Wiślica

Church of St. Marcin in Wiślica

Figure of the Passion of Christ

Dog Hill

The hillfort in Wiślica


Czarkowy - a war cemetery from the First World War

Nowy Korczyn

Grunwald Mound in Czarkowy

Palace and park in Czarkowy

Recreation, Rest and Equestrian Sports Center "Azarina" in Żukowice

Church of st. Nicholas in Stary Korczyn

Stary Korczyn

The grave of a January insurgent in Stary Korczyn

Chapel of St. Kingi

Old cemetery in Nowy Korczyn

Church of st. Stanislaus in Nowy Korczyn

Nowy Korczyn

Church of Holy Trinity in Nowy Korczyn

Nowy Korczyn

Nowy Korczyn

Tourist Information Point in Nowy Korczyn

Nowy Korczyn

Długosz's house

Monument on the Market Square

Synagogue in Nowy Korczyn

Nowy Korczyn

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