Nature reserve "Krzyżanowice"

50°27'11"N 20°33'35"E (50.453233, 20.55985)

Located within the borders of the Nadnidziański Landscape Park, the reserve hides many treasures of nature - both the animated one and the one that goes beyond the world of plants and animals.

The western part of the hill, clearly distinguishable in the landscape, is under protection - its relative height is up to 40 meters.

The hill is built of gypsum and marls, i.e. sedimentary rock, characteristic of Ponidzie. Small depressions - craters and sinkholes in the gypsum base can be observed here.

It is worth knowing that in the reserve you will meet many species of plants that are considered rare or even those that are threatened with extinction, among them Stipa (Hairwort and Jana), Hairy flax, Stemless Ninegrass or the true symbol of Ponidzie - the yellow blooming spring lovebird.

Cicadas, arachnids and snails live in thermophilic grasslands - also those species that are mainly associated with the southern, much warmer regions of Europe and Western Asia.

This place is on following trails

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