The trail connects two health resorts in the Świętokrzyskie region and at the same time in the Nadnidzia region, Busko-Zdrój and Solec-Zdrój. It leads through charming gypsum elevations and ridges of Garb Pińczowski. The first sightseeing attraction is an 859 m long promenade (Aleja Mickiewicza) connecting the city center with the Spa Park). The park, like the first natural medicine facility in Busko-Zdrój, was created by the city's tenant, General Feliks Rzewuski. He commissioned the design of the bathrooms to the Italian architect Henryk Marconi, and the creation of the park to the gardener Ignacy Hanusz. According to legend, insurgents were supposed to be passing through the park after the Battle of Grochowiska. The park was also a meeting place for conspirators in 1905 and members of the Polish Military Organization. Currently, there are 4,500 trees in the park. The most numerous species here are: Norway maple, ash, sycamore maple, common hornbeam, black locust, small-leaved linden, common horse-chestnut, and English elm. There are also rare species, including: Canadian kneeling, white willow, red chestnut, purple apple tree, narrow-leaved olive tree.
After leaving the administrative borders of Busko-Zdrój, tourists pass the "Owczary" reserve located in a small depression among arable fields. Its central part is a vast basin with a small watercourse. The river is fed by a salty sulphate-chloride spring. For this reason, habitats of salt-loving plants. The wettest places are covered with: spearwort, common mantle, seaside bulrush and salt-marsh fly-grouse. Green areas away from the stream are covered with: clover, serrated melilot, long-stemmed sedge and winged legume.
The reserve is a concentration of rich halophilic flora. Behind the reserve, the trail climbs slightly up to Radzanowska Góra, a good viewing point.
The ruins of the former Arian church have been preserved in Pęczelice. This forgotten monument is located in the yard of a farm. The congregation was established thanks to Stanisław Gnoiński in the second half of the 19th century. 16th century. The building later served as a granary.
Another peculiarity of the trail is undoubtedly the early medieval stronghold with a trapezoidal shape located on Kapturowa Góra. Archaeological research carried out here revealed two stages of settlement in the stronghold: the older one dating back to the 7th-8th/9th centuries and the younger one from the 9th/10th-11th centuries. The stronghold in Szczarzyż probably had a refugial (defensive) function. Unfortunately, the castle layout is currently illegible due to the vegetation covering it. Mount Kapturowa itself is an excellent viewpoint, especially towards the south. Similarly to the next hill in the Kamienna Góra area above the village of Sułkowice. There we can find massive blocks of rock - the remains of an old quarry. In the town of Zborów there is an impressive palace rebuilt in 1803. In the ground floor and partly on the ground floor of this classicist two-story building, the remains of the original manor house from the 16th century have been preserved. The building currently serves as a Social Welfare Home. A small landscape park and farm buildings, accessed by an entrance gate from the early 19th century, complete the palace complex. The following elements have survived from the former palace farm: the building of the former distillery (18th century) and the granary (18th century), on the western wall of which you can see a stone shield with the Leliwa coat of arms belonging to the Tarnowski family - the owners of Zborów.
The last town on the trail is Solec-Zdrój.
The spa part of the town begins at the main gate leading to the local park. It is located outside the red trail. The main hotel building in Sołecki Zdrój is the quite extensive "Świt" sanatorium, which gained its current shape in 1918. Its distinguishing architectural element is the slightly different style of the former ballroom and theater with a slender stone turret.
In the interwar period, the hotel was eagerly visited by cultural and political figures of the Second Polish Republic. In the vicinity of "Świt" there are: the "Jasna" sanatorium from 1910 and the church located on a small hill. Saint Nicholas from 1937, designed by Franciszek Mączyński. The second of the mentioned buildings was built on the site of the earlier temple. Architecturally, the building refers to Roman basilicas. Inside the temple you can admire a small part of the equipment of the previous church preserved. It is worth paying attention to the epitaphs of the owners of the Solec Spa - its founder, Count Karol Godefroy (died in 1874), Ludwik Warchnowski and the Daniewski family. An extremely intriguing and most valuable element of the original equipment of the original temple is now located outside, on one of the side walls of the building. We are talking about part of a beautiful Mannerist tombstone (second half of the 16th century), which depicts a lying figure of a knight, probably Samuel Zborowski. The spa park is crossed by Aleja Daniewskich (pre-war Zakładowa), thus constituting its main axis. It was originally built with stylish villas, of which the following have survived to this day: the "Prus" villa from 1918 and the interesting "Irena" villa - pre-war houses of the owners of the Solec Spa - the Daniewski and Dzianot families. A picturesque pond with an irregular shape, which surrounds the neoclassical bathrooms built in 1923–1925, and the building of the Solice Spa, which is similar in style, are the decorations of the Sołecki park.
The beginning/end of the trail is located in Busko Zdrój at Poprzeczna Street, while the end/beginning is in Solec-Zdrój. The beginning of the trail in Busko-Zdrój is marked correctly in accordance with the PTTK trail marking instructions (white circle with the color of the trail). The end/beginning of the trail in Solec-Zdrój is not marked correctly (no white circle with the color of the trail). There are parking lots and parking spaces both at the beginning of the trail in Busko-Zdrój and in Solec-Zdrój.
Mileage according to most important towns and points on the trail
Poprzeczna Street in Busko-Zdrój - "Owczary" reserve 4.7 km - Pęczelice 8.8 km - Kapturów 10.1 km - Grodzisko in Góra Kapturowa 10.9 km - Skotniki Małe 12.7 km - Sułkowice 16.4 km - Kików 20.1 km - Żuków 22.3 km – Zborów 24.3 km – PKS Solec-Zdrój 27.8 km
Trail manager
Oddział PTTK w Busku-Zdroju
ul. Wojska Polskiego 30
28-100 Busko-Zdrój
Labeling status
Good*. The end/beginning of the trail in Solec-Zdrój is not marked in accordance with the Instructions for Marking Tourist Trails of the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society (no white circle with the color of the trail). Orientation difficulties occur after Kików (Kamienna Góra) - there are no trail markings. The area of Góra Kapturowa is very overgrown and the path is illegible in the field (on the day of the audit it was possible to cross it, but an ordinary tourist will certainly have a problem with it).
- very good signage (marking complete, in good technical condition, enabling the entire route to be traversed without a map),
- good signage (marking is mostly complete, in good technical condition, minor marking deficiencies, use of the map only in unmarked and questionable places),
- sufficient markings (lack of markings on longer sections, many unmarked intersections, the use of a map is required to follow the trail),
- poor marking (marking very sporadic, at large distances, in poor condition),
- bad markings (single markings on the trail, practically no markings).
*As of: January 1, 2022