Łagów PKS - Nowa Słupia named after Krzystof Wilczyński

distance (km) altitude m a.s.l.
walking, green
14,2 km
4h 15min
↗ 222 m
↘ 235 m
A Łagów PKS
B Nowa Słupia Rynek

The trail from Łagów to Nowa Słupia is an ideal proposition for a one-day trip through undemanding terrain. A small number of hills make the trail perfect for a walk for families with children. The trail is designed in such a way that it avoids busy roads almost along its entire length.

In its first part, the route runs partly along the Łagowica River and then enters the beautiful forest areas of the Bieliński Range called Wał Małacentowski. The trail ends in the town of Nowa Słupia, which is one of the main tourist centers in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains due to the nearby Monastery on St. Cross. Nowa Słupia is also the gateway to the Świętokrzyski National Park. It is worth planning your stay in this part of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains during the holidays, when the region's flagship tourist event, Dymarki Świętokrzyskie, takes place here. In 2021, after a long break due to renovation, the Museum of Ancient Metallurgy resumed operations. It is a modern multimedia facility popularizing the former iron production center, discovered during extensive archaeological research. Geology enthusiasts will certainly be interested in the legendary Robber's Cave, located near Łagów.

The trail starts at the Market Square in Łagów, next to the bus stop, and ends at the Market Square in Nowa Słupia. Both the beginning and the end of the trail are easy to locate. They are marked in accordance with the instructions for marking tourist trails of PTTK, i.e. with a white dot with a circle whose color corresponds to the color of the trail (green).

Mileage according to most important towns and points on the trail

Market Square in Łagów, bus stop – Wał Małacentowski 6.7 km – Kobyla Góra 10.2 km – Market Square in Nowa Słupia, bus stop – 14.2 km

Trail manager

Świętokrzyskie Branch of PTTK in Kielce

ul. Sienkiewicza 29

25-007 Kielce



On the trail

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