Berezów - Suchedniów PKP

distance (km) altitude m a.s.l.
walking, blue
15,8 km
4h 30min (4h 45min in opposite direction)
↗ 209 m
↘ 224 m
A Berezów
B Suchedniów PKP

The trail leads mainly through forest areas, enabling you to get to know the most interesting areas of Suchedniów and their natural curiosities, as well as to visit places of national memory located in the area belonging to the Sieradowice Landscape Park. The trail starts at the Berezów railway station. Nearby, on the night of July 12/13, 1943, a Krakow-Warsaw express train carrying German officers was stopped and shot at. The action was carried out by the soldiers of Major "Ponury" in retaliation for the pacification of Michniów. After walking about 3 km, we reach Michniów - a village that was pacified by the Germans on July 12 and 13, 1943, for helping the partisans. That is why the Monument - Mausoleum and Sanctuary of the Martyrdom of Polish Villages was built here in 1997. After a long renovation, on July 12, 2021, the Mausoleum of Martyrology of Polish Villages was officially opened.

Another natural curiosity, this time, is the "Kamień Michniowski" reserve. Here the blue trail joins the black trail leading towards the viewpoint at the chapel of St. Barbara. The reserve, established on an area of ​​10.5 ha in 1978, aims to protect a mixed forest with multi-species forest communities with silver fir (Abies alba) and outcrops of Triassic sandstone rocks with interesting rock vegetation. Within the reserve there is the Ponurego Cave, 25 m long and 7.5 m high. The cave has been known for a long time. The January insurgents were hiding there. During World War II (in the spring of 1943), the area around the cave was the base of partisans from the "Ponury" group, hence its name. After passing the next section of the trail, another interesting object appears - the monument of inanimate nature "Burzący Stok". springs. This is where the Żarnówka river flowing through the reservoir in Mostki begins. The subject of protection is a natural fissure spring in which water flows under high pressure from deep deposits of Triassic sandstones. The end of the trail is at the Suchedniów railway station. In the same place where it ends the blue trail begins, the black trail to the "Dalejów" reserve begins.

Suchedniów became a city only in 1962. The origins of the settlement date back to the 14th century. During the January Uprising on January 22, 1863, a 400-person unit under the command of Ignacy Dawidowicz set out from here to attack Russian soldiers stationed in Bodzentyn and capture a military warehouse. In 1943, a clandestine weapons factory was established in the Tański factory, which produced submachine guns (modeled on the English STEN guns) for "Ponury's" partisan units.

The trail starts/ends at the PKP Berezów (part of Suchedniów) and PKP Suchedniów railway stations. Both the beginning and the end of the trail are marked correctly, in accordance with the PTTK Tourist Trail Marking Instructions (white circle with the color of the trail). There is a small parking lot at the Suchedniów railway station. The straight-line distance between the beginning and end of the trail is approximately 2 km. It is very easy to get to one of these stations (e.g. from Kielce or Radom) and, after walking, return by train from the other one.

Mileage according to the most important towns and points on the trail

PKP Berezów – Mausoleum of Martyrology of Polish Villages in Michniów 3.3 km – “Kamień Michniowski” Reserve 5.5 km – “Burzący Stok” Spring 9.7 km – PKP Suchedniów 15.8 km

Trail manager

Oddział Miejski PTTK w Skarżysku-Kamiennej   

ul. Słowackiego 25

26-110 Skarżysko-Kamienna

On the trail

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