Monument and field of the battle in Grochowiska (1863)

, Grochowiska
50°29'49"N 20°38'10"E (50.49704, 20.63614)

A quiet village lost among the forests of Ponidzie was a witness of one of the biggest and bloodiest battles of the January Uprising over a century and a half ago.

It was then that, near Grochowiska, units commanded by the dictator of the uprising - Marian Langiewicz - clashe with 4 columns of the Russian army. Although the Polish forces won this battle, the losses suffered - both physical and moral - significantly weakened the forces and spirit of the insurgent.

Today, these sublime and tragic events of March 18, 1863 are reminded of the mass grave of the insurgents and the stone commemorating the battle. Those interested in the history of the battle can follow its course on the information board. If you are walking through Ponidzie during the anniversary of the events of 1863, chances are high that you will take part in a historical picnic and a staging inspired by the Battle of Grochowiska.

The event is accompanied by a pedestrian rally from Pińczów and Busko-Zdrój.

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