Komorniki 45, 27-230 Lipie
51°04'01"N 21°07'42"E
(51.067183, 21.128583)
In the village of Lipie there is one of the stations of the Starachowice Narrow-Gauge Railway.
It was created as a result of the development of industrial and mining plants in the region. The Starachowice Blast Furnace was connected with the sawmill in Bugaj, several places where wood was loaded and iron ore mines. In the 60s of the last century, mines began to be closed and the transport of wood was significantly reduced.
The queue from 1950 to 1997. ran for about 20 km. The facility was entered into the register of immovable monuments in 1995. Currently, since 2004, it runs in the summer on two sections: Starachowice Wschodnie Wąskotorowe - Lipie and Iłża - Marcule.
The full route of the funicular:
- East Starachowice Narrow Gauge
- Lipie
- Łaziska Iłżeckie (nieczynna)
- Lubienia (nieczynna)
- Marcule
- Jasieniec Iłżecki
- Błaziny
- Iłża