Świętowit - Jeleniowskie paths

distance (km) altitude m a.s.l.
rowerowy - singletrack, blue
3,40 km
↗ 33 m
↘ 212 m
A Strumyk - koniec
B Licho - koniec

The path is quite gentle, perfect for a warm-up. It's not as fast as the others. Everyone should be able to handle it. However, the stones found throughout the paths can give you goosebumps. The route is quite long, but requires access from Chocimowska Mountain. So it also requires fitness while climbing (Strumyk plus the climb to Witosławska g.).

Technical description:

Type of route: downhill route

Route length: 2500m

Elevation: 170m

Difficulty level: easy, medium

Marking: blue

Difficulties on the route: blocks, stones, small jumps.

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