Licho - Jeleniowskie paths

distance (km) altitude m a.s.l.
rowerowy - singletrack, black
1,25 km
↗ 4 m
↘ 152 m
A Licho - początek
B Licho - koniec

The entire route will be completed by the beginning of summer. The currently available fragments could be ridden at this year's Jeleniowskie Enduro MTB 2023 competition. A fast route, with numerous obstacles. Rock steps, rock gardens, high footbridges between boulders, drops and jumps give an adrenaline rush. This is our most demanding path.

Technical description:

Type of route: downhill route

Route length: approx. 1300m

Elevation: 140m

Difficulty level: difficult, expert

Marking: black

Difficulties on the route: high footbridges, long drops, rock gardens, numerous large stones, high slope

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