Dzik (Wild boar) - Jeleniów paths

distance (km) altitude m a.s.l.
rowerowy - singletrack, red
1,29 km
↗ 0 m
↘ 152 m
A Dzik - początek
B Dzik - koniec

This route was created for the first Jeleniowskie Enduro MTB 2022 competition. The competitors liked it so much that we decided to include it in the official path database. It is very natural and has a typical mountain character. There are no artificial bridges, footbridges, etc. It is a route of medium difficulty.

Technical description:

Type of route: downhill route

Route length: 1300m

Elevation: approx. 150m

Difficulty level: medium

Marking: red

Difficulties on the route: natural stones, roots and crossing over fallen logs

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