Towards Bukowa (Time for Forest)

distance (km) altitude m a.s.l.
wycieczki, other
21,5 km
6h 30min
↗ 452 m
↘ 452 m
A Barcza
B Barcza

Over 20 kilometers of walking tour combining the geological attractions of Mount Bukowa and the "Barcza" reserve with natural values. It runs through a very picturesque area, with little-used forest areas that delight with their silence, peace and natural character. Beech forests and mixed forest stands prevail here, typical of the Świętokrzyskie Region. There are several points on the route (around the village of Klonów) from which there is a beautiful panorama of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains from Łysogóry through the Krajeński Ridge and the Masłowski Range.

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